PinnedSo you need to write for an app……but you aren’t a UX writer. Maybe the usual writers got cut from the budget and you’re a visual designer now tasked with words. Or maybe…Feb 4, 2021Feb 4, 2021
UX Case StudyYour mental is just as relevant to your health as physical health. So as an athlete, your mental training must be taken as seriously as…Dec 9, 2019Dec 9, 2019
13 Reasons. But there’s still a question left.I’ve thought many thoughts since the show came out, watched about half the episodes, was triggered by a few, and ultimately decided I…May 18, 2017May 18, 2017
The Power of ValidationI’m kinda angry but we’ll call it “passionate” to lighten the mood.May 16, 2017May 16, 2017
What it really looks like to stand up for the wage gapThe success stories are fun to read. Women stand up for what they believe they’re worth and have surprise reactions from wonderful…May 8, 2017May 8, 2017
Press, Speech, and Religion.This was one week ago, exactly. I was surrounded by peace and doling it out by the handful. I was marching with 10,000 of the 50,000 person…Jan 29, 2017Jan 29, 2017
loving what you do.i’m not going to tell you, in my millennial voice, the varying shades of what it feels like to chase your professional passion.Sep 6, 2016Sep 6, 2016
different shades of passionpassion is a weird thing. everyone seems to know about it, but there are a disconcerting number of people actually living it.Jul 28, 2016Jul 28, 2016
the life of a kind-of-qualified recent gradSure it’s a “first world problem” and the media enjoys mocking recent grads and their pitiful job search that they endure from the comfort…Jan 8, 2016Jan 8, 2016